Some definitions:
for CVS:
ECB = Extra Care Bucks. These are coupons good for $$ off your next purchase at CVS. They do expire after about 2 weeks, so use them quickly!
CRT = Cash Register Tape. Sometimes other coupons will print on your cash register tape, in addition to your ECB's. I have been getting $5 off $15 purchase alot lately.
for Walgreens (aka WAGS):
FAR = Free after rebate. Every month WAGS has items that are free, you just have to either send in your receipts, or enter them online at Get these items early in the month, as they will sell out quickly.
ESR= Easy Saver Rebate. These are items that you can get a couple dollars' rebates on, in addition to the FAR's items.
Easy Saver Catalog= found at the entrance to WAGS. A new one comes out every month. This lists the FAR items and the ESR items for that month. This catalog also has coupons that are good on certain items for the whole month.
ManQ = manufacturer's coupons. Found in the Sunday paper or on the internet.
My advice is to start small. Try the $5 CVS challenge on or (2 of my favorite blogs!) Don't try really complicated transactions at first or you may get overwhelmed. Also, don't try to get EVERY deal. It is impossible. Unless you have no job, no kids, and nothing else going on in your life. Find deals on items your family uses and maximize them.
For example we drink alot of Diet Coke. I take my lunch to work every day, and I pack 1 can of diet coke. Right now at CVS they have diet coke 3 12 packs for $11. If you spend $15 on Diet Coke, you get $5 in ECB's. This is a pretty good deal, but only if you plan on drinking Diet Coke or Coke. You can then take that $5 ECB, and get the items that are free after ECB's for the next week.
i heart cvs: 05/01 - 05/07
8 years ago