Monday, February 16, 2009

CVS trip 2.16.09; $44.60 worth of stuff for $3.60

Today I started with zero ECB's. I did 3 transactions back to back as follows:

1. 2 Neutragena Soap - orginal formula @ $2.99 each
Total OP = $6.41
Received $10 in ECB's!

2. 6 ct rolls of Scott paper towels $4.99 (Sun/Mon only),
2 CVS Calcium $6.19 (B1G1 for 1 cent)
2 J&J Red Cross pads with Neosporin @ $4.99 each
Used $1 off Scott towels from last weeks newspaper coupons
$2 off Scott towels from CRT
$3 off 2 J&J first aid products from
$1 off J&J product from last weeks coupons
Used $10 in ECB's from Trans. #1 above
Total OP = $4.83
Received $6.00 in ECB's for J&J pads

3. 2 CVS cotton rounds 25ct @ $.99 each
1 Revlon emory boards $3.29
Used 2x $1 off any CVS beauty purchase
$1 off any Revlon tool from newspaper
$2 off any Revlon tool from CVS CRT
total OP = $.36
Received $2 ECBS for cotton rounds

Total OP all 3 transactions = $11.60 - $8 ECBs going forward = $3.60
Total value of all products = $44.60 at regular price

In retrospect, I should've bought the cotton rounds in the first transaction, and then used the $2 ECB towards trans #2 but oh well. Then my final total would have been around $1.60. I tend to mess up when doing more than one transaction at a a time.

I might take my $8 of ECBS and go buy pull ups that are on sale for $8.99 this week!

1 comment:

Latte said...

this is so great, your good!
