Friday, January 30, 2009
New Coupons out at
Click this link for coupons good through this weekend for CVS! There are $3 off $15, $4 off $20 and $5 off $30, plus some other product-specific coupons.
I am going to buy some Diet Mountain Dew and get in on the PepsiCo deal of Buy $20 worth of Pepsi stuff, get $10 ecbs.
Buy 6 packs of Diet Pepsi on sale 3/$10 = $20
Use $4 off $20 Coupon
Pay $16 plus tax out of pocket
Get $10 in ECBS
Final cost = $6 for 6 12packs!
Or if you have the Stacy's Pita chips coupons from Sunday's paper, use those towards your $20 purchase for even more savings!
Monday, January 26, 2009
CVS trip 1.26.09 $2.39 out of pocket for $38.97 worth of stuff
Stacy's Pita chips $3.00
Stacy's Pita chips $3.00
Gillette shampoo $4.99
Revlon foundation $13.99
Revlon Foundation $0.00 (B1G1F Monday only)
Used coupons:
$1.50 off pita chips
$1.50 off pita chips - both in yesterday's Sunday Paper
$1.00 off any Revlon color product
$2.00 off any Revlon foundation
$2.00 off Gillette shampoo
Used ecb's
Subtotal=$1.98 + tax = $2.39 out of pocket,
Received $3.00 ECBS for the Gillette Shampoo
I really didn't like using so many ECB's, but I was happy that I got 2 of the Revlon Foundations. Also the Pita chips count toward the Pepsi promotion of buy $20, get $10 ecb's, so I might buy some Tostitos and Diet Mountain Dew. I really don't like Diet Pepsi. I need to spend $14 more, so I could buy 3 Diet Mountain dews and 2 bags of Tostitos for $15.99 , less my $3 ecb = $12.99 OP and get the $10 in ecbs' back.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Hallmark Card Deal at CVS

Thursday, January 22, 2009
Target and CVS deals 1.21.09
I had 2 coupons for $2 off a box of the soft baked cereal bars, plus 2 $1 off coupons from Harris Teeter. I love these bars, and they are a good snack to tide you over.
Last night on the way home I stopped into CVS to get more greeting cards. I bought:
$.99 Hallmark Card
$.99 Hallmark Card
$4.00 clearanced jar of Skin Effects moisturizer
I used:
$2.00 off Skin Effects coupon found a few months ago at CVS cash register
$4.00 ECB, which the cashier had to round down to $3.98
Out of pocket = $0.00 !
AND I got $3 in ECB's for the Hallmark cards!
Then I did a separate transaction using my FSA debit card:
$3.79 CVS allergy 5 ct
$3.79 CVS allergy 5ct
$6.99 Advil 40 ct
I used:
$1 peelie found on Advil box
$3.00 of any FSA purchase of $10 from CRT
Total out of pocket= $11.41
Received $7.58 ECBS for the Allergy medicine! These are free after ECB's this week.
I could've used ECB's to reduce out of pocket, but I still have money on my FSA debit card that I need to spend before the end of March.
This store was out of Throat cooler pops and Soyjoys....I guess there are no more!
I may go back again today and get 3 more $.99 cards and get $3 ECBs!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
CVS trip 1.20.09; $8.70 OP, received $8 ECBS
3 Hallmark cards @ $.99 each
1 Hallmark card @ $2.69
1 Herbal esscence shampo $2.99
1 Listerine mulit whitening rinse $6.79
Used coupons:
$1 off shampoo (from Sunday paper)
$1.50 off Listerine (from internet)
Used $2 and $3 Ecb's from Sunday's transaction
Total $8.70 out of pocket
I received:
$3 ECBs for the Hallmark cards
$4 ECBs for Listerine
$1 for Herbal Essences shampoo
total $8 ECBS
Not bad!
I plan on getting more $.99 Hallmark cards maybe tomorrow and just keep rolling that $3 ECB. You can do the Hallmark deal 5 times, so you can get $15 cards for (almost) free! Today I got Valentine's Day cards for my kids and my husband. I have spent $25 per holiday on cards in the Hallmark store in the past! Never again!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
$56 worth of stuff for $1.55 at CVS!

Saturday, January 17, 2009
free samples
Go here for a free sample of True Delights Granola bar!
Go here for a free sample of Kid Essentials!
go here for a B1G1 coupon at Smoothie King! I have had these and they are great -- just look up the calories first, because some of them are loaded with fat and calories!
Go here to get a B1G1 coupon reedemable at Borders for Seattle's Best coffee or a pastry!
CVS new coupons out
Also there are tons of J&J coupons out where you can get the Buddies soaps for free or close to free. Check out's post here and print the coupons.
On Friday I took my daughter to the Dr. for a follow up visit, and of course we stopped by a CVS on the way home.
I used the $3 off $15, along with the $3 off any cvs purchase to get the following yesterday:
2 packs CVS knee highs; these were $1 each, but the tag on the shelf was higher;
3 J&J buddies soaps at $1.19 each; used J&J coupons to get each one for $.19 !
3 12 packs of Diet coke for $11
1 pack of Juicy Fruit gum for $1.19 (for my daughter)
My total out of pocket was $9.62. Before coupons and everything, it was about $17.80 worth of stuff. It was like I really just wanted the Diet cokes and got all the other stuff for (almost) free!
I also got some coupons on my register tape :
$10 off $50
$3 off 2 any hand or body lotions.
Not bad! And I still have $12 in ecb's.
This CVS didn't have ANY Soyjoy bars left --- or any Throat cooler pops. I have visited 5 different CVS's in the past 2 weeks, and ALL of them were out of the Throat cooler pops.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
CVS 1/11/09
Well I burned through some ECB's today, but got a good bit of stuff. I spent $4.64 OP, and got $3 ECB's. This is what I got:
2 CVS brand pull ups $12.99
2 packs Playtex insulated cups $7.99, these were B1G1Free
2 pack bundle of granola bars$6.99, get $3 ECB's
and 3 Johnson's Buddies Soaps.
I used 1 $3 off any CVS brand purchase coupon, $2 off 2 Johnson buddies, and $1 off 1 Johnson buddies soap. I also used $9.98 ECBS+$12.00 ECBS from previous transactions. By the way, you can get tons of other coupons fo these buddies soaps, and at some places, like Wal-Mart, they come out free. At my CVS they are $1.19, so I get them for $.19 each. I try to avoid Wal-Mart.
total = $4.64, received $3 ECBS!
I wasn't planning on getting the sippy cups, however I had my 2 year old with me, and she spotted them while I was getting the soaps. They said BPA free on them, which I have heard a little about. Should I throw out all of the old sippy cups? Whats the deal with plastic cups and bottles anyway? Does drinking out of them cause cancer or not? I guess I should do more research here....;
Also there was a coupon for the granola bars in the paper this Sunday, but I had left it at home. That's ok, I will probably buy another pack or 2. The limit is 4, and my 10 yr old son likes them. That's his hand in the picture. He went to the store with me as well. He had some Christmas cash with him, and he took advantage of the B1G1 free Altoids.
Friday, January 9, 2009
Private label vs. Luxury brands
I am a clothing buyer for a national womens chain. Our stores are located in strip centers alongside WalMarts for the most part. So our prices compare to Target, Fashion Bug, Kohls and Goody's (who is going out of business as of this week, by the way). I basically shop for a living. I shop in NYC, Miami, Los Angeles, and Montreal all for work. I do a lot of product development, which means I am always trying to translate higher priced goods into more moderately priced goods for my department. As a result, I find myself wanting these higher priced things for myself! Many of my coworkers have Gucci handbags, Prada shoes, Channel Sunglasses, and Theory pants. I have a few of these designer labels myself. For Christmas, my husband bought me a Marc Jacobs handbag, which I truly love. It is stylish, beautiful, and extremely well made. I can carry this bag forever and it will always be in style. When I carry it, I feel great. I don't get the same feeling when I wear my drugstore sunglasses or my Macy's private label boots.
I guess the good feelings I get from private label goods is from the knowledge that I have saved money. And that has become more important to me lately. I do love going into CVS and getting a great deal. But I do love that Marc Jacobs handbag.......
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Everyone makes mistakes!
I found some CVS brand women's shave gel on clearance for $1, so I got 4. I thought they were included in the B1G1 50% promo, but they weren't. I guess the clearance CVS brand stuff doesn't count towards that.
They had 2 Listerine Whitening Pens, so I decided to go ahead and do the Johnson & Johnson deal of buy $20 of select J&J products, get $10 ECBS. I had 2 coupons for $3 off from the CVS beauty book found recently at the register--- see picure of these by clicking the link below courtesy of
Then I used $2 off Listerine Whitening Pen --- click the link below for the coupon:
I spotted CVS brand cheese crackers on a center isle that had a sign that said, buy these for $1.99, get $1.00 in ECB. I figured with the B1G1 50% promo, that was a great deal! So I got 4 boxes.
So at check out I used a $3 off $15 CVS coupon, and 2x$3 off any CVS brand purchase. The total out of pocket was $13.73, with $10 in ECB's.
But wait! Before leaving the store I noticed that no ECB's printed for the crackers, so I asked the manager. He said since they rang up B1G1 50% off, I couldn't get the ECBs! I told him very nicely that there was a tag right on the shelf and took him over the isle. He took the tag down, even though the dates were valid as a monthly deal. I ended up just returning the 4 boxes and got back $6.08.
So my final total was $13.73 - 6.08 = $7.65, with $10 in ECB's.
I think my next transaction will be for CVS brand pull ups. They are $10.49 a pack or $15.74 for 2 with the B1G1 50% off promo. I could use a $3 off $15, and $3 off any CVS, making them $9.74 for the 2 packs. Stay tuned....
Click this link to get a $1 off coupon for Soy Joy Bars. They are a deal at CVS for January at buy 1 box of 6 for $6, get $6 ECB's.
Now let me tell you, Soy Joy bars are not something I would pay money for, but for free, they are pretty good. They are 2 points on Weight Watchers, so they make an ok afternoon snack that will tide you over until dinner.
Do you like Soy Joy bars?
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
$.60 out of pocket at CVS for $23.85 worth of stuff

Today at CVS I got $23.85 worth of stuff for $.60, and I got $12 in ECB's!
Here's what I bought:
Revlon emery boards, on clearance, $.99, used $1 off ManQ (cashier rounded coupon down to $.99)
2 Sally Hansen nail polish, on clearance for $1.25 each, used $3 off 2 Sally Hansen CVS coupon (cashier rounded coupon down to $2.50)
2 SoyJoy boxes @$6 each, used $3 off coupon from Sunday's paper
1 CVS brand paper plates $3.99
1 CVS brand plastic bags $1.39, was b1g1 50% on all CVS brands
2 CVS brand foam pump soap, first was $1.99, second was $.99 (B1G1 50% off)
Used $3 of $15 emailed CVS coupon
$3 off any CVS brand purchase
$3 off any CVS brand Purchase
$6 in ECB's from Monday's Soy Joy purchase
$3 ECB's from Monday's stuff.
Subtotal $.36 + tax = $.60! AND I got $12 in ECBS for the Soy Joy!
1 day pass to BJ's
Click this link to get a 1 day pass to BJ's. They do have some good deals there, when you combine their coupons with other coupons. I always like to get bananas there too. I have let my membership expire recently, but maybe I will use this pass to make another visit!
Monday, January 5, 2009
What I do with all of this stuff
Now that I have amassed a small stockpile of HBA's in our bathroom linen closet, I am really trying to buy only what we can use / need. That means no more toothpaste! no more contact lens solution! I promise! Unless it is a moneymaker that is :)
CVS 1.05.09, profit $6.98

Sunday, January 4, 2009
$11.78 OP for $77 worth of stuff at WAGS!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Correction! No free Ben and Jerrys until THIS Sunday!
I did however get a prescription transferred over to WAGS and I got a $25 gift card for the transfer! Go online to and I think you can still print the coupon.
So now I have my $25 Gift card to use for the deals that start on Sunday. For a list of deals, check out one of my favorite blogs, fromwagstoriches --- the link is to the right!
Free Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream at Walgreens!
CVS - Happy New Year!
I started with a few big coupons from various sources:
$3 off $15 via
a $25 gift card I received for a new prescription with a coupon via
$5 in ECB's from a prior transaction
$8.50 in ECBs: my local store has a card scanner in the front. If you scan your CVS card when you walk in it will print coupons. I got $8.50 in ECB's from my fall spending.
So right off the bat, I had a small windfall to work with. This is what I bought:
Pantene shampoo $3.50
Pantene conditioner $3.50
2 Secret deodarants @ 2/$5
2 Old spice Deodarants @ 2/$5
4 Kraft Easy Mac @$1 each = $4
2 Aussie Shampoos at 2/$7
Pampers Wipes $2.50
2 Colorwonder Crayola coloring books with markers on clearance for $3.25 each (not a planned purchase, but DD wanted them, and they were quite a good deal on clearance)
3 Tide Total Care @ $5.88 each
1 pampers easy ups at $9.99 each
8 Pack of Bounty Basic paper towels $5.88
1 Schick Intuition Razor and razor blade $8.99
1 Gillette shaving cream on clearance $1.30
2 Dawn diswashing bottles @ 2/$1.49
2 CVS brand anticavity rinse:
one was $4.49
second one was half off $$2.24
Cascade packs $6.49 (not a planned purchase! as the gel was much cheaper)
1 playschool baby wipes big pack $7.49
The first total was around $92 and I almost fainted! Then I gave the cashier my coupons and ECB's, which brought the total to $77.07! ACK! still too much! So I handed over my gift card, then the total was $52.07. I got $8 in ECB's back, but still I didn't realize I was going to spend so much.
I didn't add up everything before I went, and I did let my daughter talk me into about $15 more stuff than I had intended to buy.
But I do feel good about this transaction, since most of it was stuff we actually needed. Ok so I didn't need another razor or another deodarant, but I will never pay full price for that stuff again!
BTW I gave out toothpaste to my 3 sister in laws along with their CVS tote bags that I got them for Christmas. They were thrilled. I also gave them packs of Bic Soleil razors. I tried to give my sister some of my stockpile of contact lens solution, but she doesn't use it with her kind of contact lenses. I also made a small bag of toiletries for Linda, who works in the the distribution center of my company. Linda is raising her 3 grandkids, since her daughter and son in law were killed in a car crash about 10 years ago. I gave her toothpaste, razors, femine products, shampoo, a Glade candle, and some other things.