Monday, January 26, 2009

CVS trip 1.26.09 $2.39 out of pocket for $38.97 worth of stuff

What I bought:
Stacy's Pita chips $3.00
Stacy's Pita chips $3.00
Gillette shampoo $4.99
Revlon foundation $13.99
Revlon Foundation $0.00 (B1G1F Monday only)

Used coupons:
$1.50 off pita chips
$1.50 off pita chips - both in yesterday's Sunday Paper
$1.00 off any Revlon color product
$2.00 off any Revlon foundation
$2.00 off Gillette shampoo

Used ecb's

Subtotal=$1.98 + tax = $2.39 out of pocket,

Received $3.00 ECBS for the Gillette Shampoo

I really didn't like using so many ECB's, but I was happy that I got 2 of the Revlon Foundations. Also the Pita chips count toward the Pepsi promotion of buy $20, get $10 ecb's, so I might buy some Tostitos and Diet Mountain Dew. I really don't like Diet Pepsi. I need to spend $14 more, so I could buy 3 Diet Mountain dews and 2 bags of Tostitos for $15.99 , less my $3 ecb = $12.99 OP and get the $10 in ecbs' back.

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